Captain C's Medical Journal
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Will you be able to sleep?

Have you ever had moments in your life that you wish you could forget? I have been told by many people that I should keep a journal of the events that take place here. I have come to realize that there are many occasions that I wish could be removed from my memory, but unfortunately they are branded in my brain forever.

I must request forgiveness for the story that I am about to write. In no way am I trying to promote despair. There is no way that I will be able to express the intensity of my feelings or thoughts. So, please forgive me for the weakness this entry may carry.

For the readers that don't know me personally, I feel that I must entitle you to a little personal information about me. There are many things in my life that just make me extremely happy. My wife and children are most important on that list, but I also enjoy other people's children. I enjoy watching children play. I believe a child's laugh is the sweetest sound on earth. I wish there was a way to bottle up a child's laugh, and when we (as adults) are troubled, simply release the joyfulness it brings. On the other hand, a child's cry is very distressing to me.

Without going into detail about a horrible tragedy, this morning we had a six year old child die from a gun shot wound to the back. This is wrong on so many levels. Children are not collateral damage - they are innocent bystanders.

Allow me to paint a picture for you. I don't know the story behind this calamity; I can only envision the situation. The incident occurred about 2:30 in the morning. I can only assume that this little girl was sleeping soundly in her bed. Her piercing green eyes resting, as she dreamed about playing with her friends and eating candy. Her beautiful, long, black hair placed in a pony tail to keep it from touching her soft, innocent face.

Without warning, a shot is fired and enters her body as she lies in her bed. The little girl is ripped from her sleep with excruciating pain that only too many adults here can understand. I can't even imagine the thoughts that must have been running through her head as she tried to comprehend what was going on.

As I watched this little girl die right before my eyes I could only say, "This is such a senseless death," because when the sun raises in the morning there will not be one change in the outcome of this war. There won't be one politician or military leader from either side of the fence that will stand before this little girl's mother and attempt to justify the loss of her child.

I often question "Why?" Why should such a precious, innocent child pay the ultimate price? Why should children die for the sins of their father's? There are so many things in this life that I don't understand. I can only hope and pray that at the end of the day that we will be able to sleep with the decisions that have been made.
posted by Capt. C @ 4:54 AM  
  • At 2:37 AM, Blogger EXSENO said…

    We just have to keep trying to remember that God is the only one that knows the reasons why.
    Keep the faith and stay strong.

    Maybe this sweet little angel just needed to be where she is now in the arms of love where there is not hate or pain.

  • At 6:07 AM, Blogger G. said…

    I can only imagine the rage that would overtake me if that were my daughter. It's hard enought to walk out of Haven's room when she's terrified of the monsters under her bed.
    There is a heavy price being paid for this war. Some pay it willingly others have no choice, but it's being paid daily. My biggest fear is that the next generation doesn't take the opportunities that are provided for them tomorrow by the sacrificies of today. That they don't harness the sails of liberty and freedom that are carried by the winds of those that paid the ultimate sacrifice.
    Because then...this war would truly be in vein.

  • At 6:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said…


    WOW...i am have gained so much insight. The only thing that I can tell you is that if you forget what you saw, then this girl's death becomes even more senseless. Make a difference there...and plan on doing so when you get back. Life is a gift, and now you are beginning to see the price.

    I love you, man!


  • At 7:33 PM, Blogger Bren said…

    I don't understand, but I know God does. At least the child isn't in pain now and she is in heaven.

  • At 3:37 PM, Blogger Cara said…

    That is horrible, Tom... I'm sorry that you had to witness that.. But at least we know that she is not in pain anymore..
    You're always in my prayers!!

  • At 8:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    My three children mean the world to me. I pray for them each night and always seem to find myself praying for children everywhere. I think of all the horrible things children everywhere are going through and it breaks my heart. The only comfort I find is knowing that they are in God's hands. I can't do anything for the children suffering around the world... except pray. You're in my prayers as well.

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Name: Capt. C
Home: El Paso, Texas, United States
About Me: I am happily married to the most wonderful lady in the world (Jenny). I have 3 children (Ariel, Benji and Nathaniel)that are just precious. I graduated from the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. I am currently active duty in the US Army - at least for another 26 months. I live in El Paso, TX (can't wait to get out of here).
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