Captain C's Medical Journal
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Little Handprints

Anybody that is married or has ever been married can understand that marriage may not always be a fairytale. When you combined marriage with being in the military, it can be down right devastating. But, there is hope. There is hope for anybody that wants to make your marriage work. We have all been told at some point in our life to "Change our attitude." Well, with the change in attitude, comes hope.....

You won't be around me very long before I will start telling you about my wife and kids. I love my family more than anything, second to God. I talk more about my family and how much I love them more than any other subject. I especially talk about my wife. I tell everybody how wonderful my wife is, not only as a wife but as a mother as well.

So, I know you are wondering, "What makes your wife so special?" Well, I am so glad you asked. She has taught me so much about appreciating the "job" of being a spouse and parent. My wife has the right attitude. Well, what does this all entail? I think I can tell it best through a story....

It is very common to see my wife cleaning up after Ariel, Baby Benji, Angel (dog), Jasmine (dog) and even myself. I try not to be messy or inconsiderate, but there are more times that I want to remember that I have not washed my own clothes or dishes or even cleaned the mud off my shoes when I walked in the door. Am I hitting home to a few guys out there?

Here is something that makes my wife unique. I have never (and I mean never) heard her complain. In fact, I have often heard her given praise for the chores that she is carrying out. A few months ago, my wife was busy cleaning handprints off the windows in the playroom. I notice tears rolling down her cheeks. I walked up to her and asked if everything was alright. She looked up at me and then back at the dirty glass. As she started cleaning the class again she said, "I thank God for little handprints. Every time I clean, it makes me realize just how truly blessed I am."

WOW!!! The Bible tells us "In all things, give praise." How can anybody give praise "in all things"? Well, it's all about attitude.

Now, if there is anybody out there that is struggling with your marriage. There is hope. There is hope beyond your wildest dreams. Due to the fact that my wife and I have such a great marriage, I feel obligated to help others. I encourage you to seek counseling. You are always more than welcome to email me. Life is too short, not to enjoy it.
posted by Capt. C @ 8:34 PM  
  • At 11:20 AM, Blogger Cara said…

    Tom that is a wonderful story!! Your wife sounds like a lovely woman!! She looks at the bright side of everything, even little handprints.. That's so true!!
    Thanks so much for making me think of how much I gripe about things that have no value to gripe about... I'm trying to be more positive!!
    I know that you are missing your family right now!! But I truly appreciate what you are doing for me and my family!! Stay strong!!
    I love all the stories!!:)

  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger K.T. is Mommatude said…

    My husband is not a computer person but he was so captivated(after prodding him to read the last entry) by your blog he read every entry,Very interesting entries!!!

  • At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe Jenny should come over and be Ryan's wife. That may be a little sick since they're related, but she'd do a better job than me when it comes to not complaining. I look at it this way... "the complaining makes him appreciative of the times I am silent." He's gotta be thankful at some point!

    Ariel is changing SO MUCH! I can't believe it. She is going to be a gorgeous teen. Am I allowed to say that? I swear she's waiting by that screen door for some boy. ;)

    Much love.

  • At 7:17 AM, Blogger G. said…

    beautiful post man. Not a dry eye in this house.
    You and Jenny have a wonderful marriage...almost as wonderful as mine and Jennifer'
    Keep up the good entries bro.

    Love ya...G

  • At 9:43 AM, Blogger EXSENO said…

    Dear Captain C,
    I have read every one of your posts and found each one touching in was that I can not discribe. Beautiful ways, from a person who obviously has a very big heart.

    I will certainly try to do my little part by going to to see what I can do to make a soldier smile and
    If you and Mr.G, were to get into politics I will be the first one in line at the polls.

    Your children are beautiful and your wife sounds like a very specail person. I'm glad that you have those good thoughts to cling to until you return safely home.

    I lost a friend that I loved like family a long time ago. He's fine, we just lost touch over the years. I have thought about him often and wondering how he was doing. Today I found him again, only to find out that he is in Iraq. Take it from one who knows you, I am sure that you have spent your 86,400 seconds loving your family to the best of your ability and then some.

    I will be praying that your bright red hair doesn't shine to much by moon light and get you in trouble. Put a cap on that head would you please that hair makes to good of a target.
    Loved you then, love you still.
    Take care
    Please make sure that your wife knows that I'm just an old lady.

  • At 11:41 PM, Blogger Bren said…

    You write wonderful stories.
    I love Jenny, Ariel, Benji, and you.

    Love your sissy

  • At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just noticed the Deployment pics in your photo album. LOVE THEM!!

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About Me

Name: Capt. C
Home: El Paso, Texas, United States
About Me: I am happily married to the most wonderful lady in the world (Jenny). I have 3 children (Ariel, Benji and Nathaniel)that are just precious. I graduated from the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. I am currently active duty in the US Army - at least for another 26 months. I live in El Paso, TX (can't wait to get out of here).
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