Friday, March 31, 2006 |
"Good Ole Boys" |
This week has been a very interesting week. I have been getting up around 0330 (that's 3:30 a.m.) and not getting to bed until 2230 (that's 10:30 p.m.). The days have been really long. It is a little disappointing when you look at your watch and it reads 3:30 p.m. and you realize that you have already put in a 12 hour day and you are not even close to being finished. That is the life of a Soldier that is getting ready to be deployed. The US Government has found it to be an essential part of training to re-train all the Soldiers prior to leaving.
Now, I know many of you are wondering "What is re-training?" Well, I'll tell you. It is a refresher on things such as weapons, first-aid, life saving skills, etc. Now, there are some new things that have been added to our training that I am not for sure that I agree with. Things such as "Media Awarenes", "Law Stuff", etc.
This is what I pulled away from the training. "If you break one of the rules, then the US Government will have the right to put you in prison or to death. Because you have now been informed of all the do's and do not's." I find it very disturbing that we have men and women wearing $6,000 dollar suits, $1,000 dollar shoes, living in $10 million dollar homes sitting behind a desk and making up rules of war. Men and women that have never held a "real" job - much less served their country in war (with the exception of two or three). What do I mean by a real job? A job that holds you accountable if you don't show up for work. Having your pay deducted because you spent 5 minutes too long at lunch. A job that if you don't do your job, then you are fired. You know, things that we do every day.
I found it very disturbing that this war is bascially being ran by the media. If a soldier does something to save his life or the life of another soldier (because he was being attacked), but the media portrays it as a "culture offense" then that soldier can have charges placed against him. Even if the soldier was in the right.
You know, this takes me back to my "Good ole boys" in office concept. We need people in our public office that will take a stand for what is right. Even if the media says that they're wrong and it appears that they're standing alone. We need people in office that knows right from wrong. We need people in office that do not live in $10 million dollar homes or wear $6000 dollar suits. We need people in office that understand and have done an HONEST day of work (and not just working one day so the media can show the public how "understanding" they are of the working man/woman).
But, you know, even with all of this corruption we have thousands of people in our country (including me) that will put their life on the line to fight and save what is left of our country. I ask that you keep our soldiers and their families in your thoughts and prayers (even if you don't agree with the war - don't take it out on the soldiers).
I know this wasn't an outstanding blog post. But, I have so many thoughts going through my head it is hard to express each one completely. But, I think that my main point to all of this is that we have the power and responsiblity to put honest men and women in our public offices. The power is ours through voting (and just to clarify - I am not talking about our President. I am talking about the congress and senate). Also, don't believe everything that you see on TV. Most of it is just not true. |
posted by Capt. C @ 6:07 AM |
Chenowith/Gulledge 2012
Campaign Slogans:
Immigration - "Beware of dogs,electric-fence,snipers,etc." - "My house - My rules"
Government Spending - "If Wal-Mart doesn't have it you don't need it"
Taxes -"10/10/80_God/Gov/U" -"Loop holes are for belts & shoes"
Lawsuits -"Personal Responsibility:Try It"
Wire-taps -"If you're complaining,you must be guilty"
And the main campaign slogan is... "Chenowith/Gulledge:Kicking butt and taking names"
When you get back, we'll start on our campaign.
I'm praying for you brother.
I will be voting for you when you run for office.
Love your sissy
G Man,
That is awesome!!! I likes it!! Talk to you later.
Love ya, tlc
Hey Tom! I've been thinking of you. I'm glad to see you made it there safe. I hope Jenny and fam. are handling it "the best they know how..." :) Ryan totally understands where you're coming from esp. about the media. I remember him always telling us not to believe what we see on the news (at least not all of it.. or to wait until we hear the OTHER side of the story like how they helped so many iraqi children out, etc). Today was April Fools. I told Ryan I was pregnant again. :D He said he told all his co-workers that he was going to be a daddy again! lol It had barely been 15 minutes!!! I told him it was a joke the second he said "I also called my mom and told her!" Whoops!
Hey, man, you write pretty good. Better than you talk, anyway. Keep it up, dude. Maybe you'll be president one day.
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