Captain C's Medical Journal
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Interesting or Heroic

Everybody has a story to tell. Some are interesting and some are heroic. I want to share with you a story about PFC Alfonzo Bernal. PFC Bernal has been drawing ever since he was seven years old. He loves to draw. As you can see he is very good at what he does. I asked him if he had ever taken art lessons. He told me that he was kicked out of the class. I'm sure that is a story of itself.

PFC Bernal's art work has been published four times in an art magazine. He has drawings in tattoo shops that people can buy and place on them. In 2003, PFC Bernal was finally offered a full scholarship to an Art School. His dreams of being an artist were coming true.

However, PFC Bernal, turning of age, decided that joining the Army was a better choice. I asked PFC Bernal if he regretted that decision as we sat at a table in the middle of Iraq with machine gun fire in the background. PFC Bernal looked me dead in the eye and said, "Not at all, Sir." I asked him "Why?" He said, "Because I am making a difference." So you tell me - interesting or heroic?
posted by Capt. C @ 6:28 PM  
  • At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Heroic! Benji and I were reading your blog. He kept pointing at your picture say "Daddy". We love you.

  • At 10:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Heroic and Interesting. I love to read stories like this instead of constantly hearing all the bad stuff the news is always reporting. I would rather read something like this any day.

  • At 8:16 PM, Blogger G. said…

    Great post C! Nice drawings too.
    These are the stories that need to be told. These are the men & women that are making a difference, they understand what the fight is for and they understand the cost. Most importantly, they understand the cost of not fighting.
    Thank you PFC Bernal, for your dedication to your country.


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Name: Capt. C
Home: El Paso, Texas, United States
About Me: I am happily married to the most wonderful lady in the world (Jenny). I have 3 children (Ariel, Benji and Nathaniel)that are just precious. I graduated from the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. I am currently active duty in the US Army - at least for another 26 months. I live in El Paso, TX (can't wait to get out of here).
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