Captain C's Medical Journal
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Psalm 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

Fellow bloggers,

This blog was created for and intented to be a source of communication for Captain C and all who love and support him. A place where we the readers can get a glimpse into the life of a soldier and experience the struggles they face every day. We also have the privilage to share in the thoughts and concerns of captain C, who is becoming a very good writer in the process.

This blog is not a soapbox for anyone to start calling names & being disrespectful. There is a reasonable and courteous way of sharing your own thoughts - views - political opinions. I will not tolerate dogmatic language and outright condemnation of anyone. This is war and opinions are strong, but this is not the place for harse accusations and disrespectful language. If you have the urge or need to start calling names and laying the 'apocalypse' on someone's lap do it on your own blog. If your only intent is to pic a fight...just contact me and we can go at it till we're blue in the face, but keep it clean on my bro's blog.

We can respectfully disagree, but when your speech becomes dogmatic I will remove your comment. Let's all remember that we all have different opinions on the war, but we must be as one voice when supporting our troops.

Thank you for your courtesy.
posted by G. @ 5:13 PM  
  • At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well said G! I haven't read the comments you are talking about so I guess you are already taking care of it. Thank you for setting this up for my dear hubby. He is becoming a great writer.

  • At 8:51 PM, Blogger Cara said…

    I guess that'll teach em to pick on Tom!! Go Paul!!
    Some people can be so rude and use harsh words to hurt others, usually because someone is stepping on their toes..
    Personally, I love to read your blog Tom!! It's so true, and heartfelt!! Keep up the good writing, and thanks again for being there for our country!!:) I admire you for the hard work that you are enduring!! Be safe!!

    (P.S. How cute are those babies of yours!!! Precious, they are gonna be very proud of their daddy one day!!!)

  • At 4:18 PM, Blogger Bren said…

    Thanks you for being my brothers friend.

  • At 2:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said…


    Are you a lawyer or political speech writer? In either case, I won't be messing with you or C. Ha ha! Keep up the good work my bro!


  • At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmmm. G, you must be one of those 28% that supports Bush.

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Name: Capt. C
Home: El Paso, Texas, United States
About Me: I am happily married to the most wonderful lady in the world (Jenny). I have 3 children (Ariel, Benji and Nathaniel)that are just precious. I graduated from the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. I am currently active duty in the US Army - at least for another 26 months. I live in El Paso, TX (can't wait to get out of here).
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