Captain C's Medical Journal
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Can there be World Peace??

I must apologize for not blogging in some time, but I have been extremely busy. We have been three anesthesia providers short for the last month. Plus, the violence has increased considerably so we have been going non-stop.

Nearly all my life I have been hearing that we must strive for world peace. You can't turn the TV on without hearing something about world peace. After all, this is the goal for every Miss America contestant, "To have World Peace!" For as long as I can remember we have been going to war killing people to have peace. Think about that just for a moment.

Have you ever wondered what "world peace" is and if there really can be world peace? Just imagine what kind of place this world would be if there was peace?

One of our greatest historical documents is the Bible. According to Genesis it can be argued that Adam and Eve may have experienced world peace (at least before eating of the forbidden fruit). Without a doubt, once they had children - world peace ended. To refresh some of your memories, Adam and Eve had two sons named Cain and Able. Cain became jealous of Able, so he murdered him. In one small move one-quarter of the earth's population had just been murdered. (Yes, I know that Adam and Eve had other children)

Therefore, since the second generation of mankind on this earth until present day - there has never been world peace. So, why do people continue to protest and scream for world peace? (Have you ever noticed that the protesters that protest to have world peace are not very peaceful- just an observation?)

Maybe we are trying to cross the finish line before we start the race. What I mean by this is that people want world peace, but they are not willing to be peaceful. (Please read the next few sentences carefully) Before you can have world peace, you must have a peaceful country. Before you can have a peaceful country, you must have a peaceful state. Before you can have a peaceful state, you must have peaceful county. Before you can have a peaceful county, you must have a peaceful HOME. That's right, world peace starts with YOU!

Do you have a peaceful home? Are you behaving in a way that you would want your children to behave? Or is there yelling and disenchantment? Unfortunately, not everybody has the same definition of a "peaceful home." My idea of a peaceful home will be different from others. I know people (as you do) that think that they are nice and pleasant, but in reality they are so confrontational and malicious that people don't want to be around them.

So, until we are willing to take that extra step and promote a peaceful home (with a global definition), then we will never have world peace. Since, that will never happen - can we just stop with this "world peace" stuff and focus on just being nice to each other?
posted by Capt. C @ 7:10 AM  
  • At 2:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Jesus said the greatest commandment is to Love Your Neighbor As Yourself. If only we could do this simple thing maybe there could actually be world peace.

  • At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Not all people are raised "right". It's painfully obvious to me that a good majority of people don't give a damn about peace. G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld namely. Peace doesn't make money for Halliburton and all those military equipment manufacturers (they just love war). Peace doesn't cause a nation to declare war on a peaceful country (Iraq was comparatively peaceful until we invaded it to get their oil!) Jesus said it best when he said "Turn the other cheek". Let me also add that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9-11. NOTHING.(remember Afghanistan?) Bush LIED TO US and invaded a country that did NOTHING to us. Peace.
    Tommy Thompson

  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger Capt. C said…


    If you think that I was just talking about Iraq - then you miss read this entire blog. There hasn't been peace long before the invasion of Iraq. In fact, there hasn't been peace since the second generation of man on earth. When this President is long gone - there still won't be World Peace.

  • At 6:35 AM, Blogger EXSENO said…

    I agree with every one of these comments. They all have their merits.

    Peace should start in the home true. Peaople can't even get a long with their own neighbors. So how are they going to get along with the rest of the world and Tommy is right too. Sometimes the leaders of countries are their own countries worst enemy. A good movie to watch is 'V for Vendeda',
    Not only is it simply a good movie, but it show a so called imaginary country and how it controled and deceived it's own people.

    I wonder who they really had in mind. lol

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Name: Capt. C
Home: El Paso, Texas, United States
About Me: I am happily married to the most wonderful lady in the world (Jenny). I have 3 children (Ariel, Benji and Nathaniel)that are just precious. I graduated from the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. I am currently active duty in the US Army - at least for another 26 months. I live in El Paso, TX (can't wait to get out of here).
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