Captain C's Medical Journal
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Am I the ONLY person in America???
Am I the ONLY person in America that can see that the choices that our Government is making today will reduce us from the Super Power that we once was and will never be again? Our county is in a crisis! We have only two choices: either we sit back and pretend that everything will be alright or we can change the people that are in power.

I am not talking about this current war that has been a screw up from the beginning. It seems to me that it is all the people can focus on. Well, let me just tell you something – this war will pass. It may be 10 years from now, but it will pass. At some point we will wake up and elect a President and a Congress that will take a stand and end this thing. It doesn't look like we have ANY Presidential candidates that are up to the challenge in this upcoming election. But, one day I pray that we have a Presidential candidate that will take a stand for what is right.

What I am talking about is the 2007 Immigration Reform and Amnesty. When this bill passes (which it will because our current congress is "politically correct" and they are NOT listening to the voting/tax paying citizens) it will be an actual time in history when countries such as China and Russia will be able to teach their children that this was the defining moment that took the once super power down to its knees.

Please allow me to enlighten you on the subject. If we didn't have a single illegal immigrate in this country, we are still heading for destruction. When our government established Medicaid/Welfare, its purpose was to help make ends meet. Now it has become a lifestyle. When New Orleans was hit by hurricane Katrina, the world was made aware of three generations of Medicaid/Welfare recipients. There were 18 year olds (in perfect health) collecting welfare checks.

When our government established Medicare, its purpose was to help aid those in retirement years. Our government did not have the foresight to see that people will live longer, but not necessarily healthier. We have the highest health care cost in the WORLD, but have the poorest outcomes of any advanced nation. Why is that?

When our government established Social Security, it was a good thought – bad plan. You would think that our government would re-think what they did when Ida May Fuller (the first person to collect a monthly social security check in 1940) paid only $24.75 into the system, but collected $22,888.92. I may not be a smart man, but that sure doesn't add up.

So, why did I mention all of these failures? Because our government established them, they have failed the tax paying citizens and they are doing NOTHING to correct it (talk is cheap). In fact, when they pass the 2007 Immigration Reform and Amnesty – they will add another 12 to 28 million people that will collect from every one of these programs and not pay one red cent. Notice I said "12 to 28 million"? Our government has NO clue how many illegal immigrants are currently here and yet they are willing to give them money from YOUR paycheck.

Today, our Government once again failed the America tax payer. They are allowing over 7,000 Iraqi refugees (soon to be increased to 2 million) to come to America. Guess who is going to pay for this? WE the tax paying citizens.

The only thing that our government has done right was to take your money from your check before you get it. By doing this, they thrive on your ignorance. By you not being aware that they are stealing your money to pay for people that are not working and paying into the systems, allows them to keep their job and spend your money. I wish that every person had to write a check to our government each month for the current taxes that you are already paying. By doing this, it will force the America tax payer to become aware of just how much our government takes from you and gives to themselves and to others that are not paying.

Now, here are few words on our Military. Currently, our government is spending billions (that's right billions) of dollars on NON-LETHAL weapons. Look, if you want our Military to sit around a camp fire and sing Kum-ba-ya, then maybe we should send them all to France and join the UN. While we are sitting back and playing "political games" with our Military, countries such as Iran, China and Russia are building weapons that will out shoot, out defend, out maneuver any thing that we have. Folks, I am not some crazy old man that is preaching the end of the world. I am telling you that while we are asleep and talking political correctness, the rest of the world is trying to figure out a way to take it over. If we don't do something, THEY WILL!!!!
posted by Capt. C @ 12:17 PM  
  • At 5:37 AM, Blogger EXSENO said…

    I agree with everything that you are saying. But, are you writing your letters to government officals. I am, and I talked my daughter into doing it too. There are not enough people that write to them. We talk amongst ourselves. But we need to start flooding their offices and voiceing our opinions verbally. It's easy these days because you can contact any of them by e-mail now.
    Right now I have been concentrating on the immagation issue and trying to explain it such a way that they will see that I am not objecting to it for selfish reason that I am objecting to it because it is totally unfair to the rest of the world who want to come here but can not sneak across a border therefore have to go through proper channels to get here. In my letter I explained of how I have seen people when I was growing up from other counties (greeks),come here and try to stay here illegally. They were hunted down my immagration officers and put back on boats and sent back. There was no sympathy, no amnesty, no compassion. It was a cut and dried issue. You are here illegally, you go back. I feel very slighted by this amnesty issue it is wrong and unfair to the rest of the world who are not connected to us by land so that they can sneak through a fence to get here. It sends out the wrong message.
    So I ask you again have you written a letter to any offical yet, have you encourage everyone aroung you to do the same?

    Love ya dude, how are you doing?

  • At 6:49 AM, Blogger Capt. C said…

    Oh Yes! I have!! But, I have learned ONE thing about them - they are not listening. That is why I am saying that if they are not going to listen to us (the tax paying citizens), then we vote them out.

    We are doing great!! I am counting the days before I can move back to Arkansas.


  • At 11:27 AM, Blogger EXSENO said…

    This has nothing to do with blogging, but I was doing a search for some of my family and somehow this came up on a Chenoweth family. Don't know if they have anything to do with you or even if you are interested in such things, but this is why it caught my eye, it had a Vestals name in it. This is the search engine info.

    Chenoweth: [THOMAS: THOMAS] Benjamin Franklin of Taney Co., MO
    2nd Husband of Vestal Rosetta Leathers: ... 8 Roy Reid Chenoweth b: March 15, 1908 in Illinois d: May 19, 1971 in Jackson Co. - 85k - Cached - More from this site

    Anyway here is the actual url to to the family tree, below it gos way back.

    Happy hunting. lol

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Name: Capt. C
Home: El Paso, Texas, United States
About Me: I am happily married to the most wonderful lady in the world (Jenny). I have 3 children (Ariel, Benji and Nathaniel)that are just precious. I graduated from the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. I am currently active duty in the US Army - at least for another 26 months. I live in El Paso, TX (can't wait to get out of here).
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