Captain C's Medical Journal
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Been Raped Lately???
Shortly after 9/11 I was flying to San Antonio. While I was standing in line I was listening to people complain about how long it was taking to get through security. I said out loud that I think waiting 30 extra minutes is worth my life. However, it did not take long before that 30 minutes grew to an hour and sometimes two hours, without a single benefit for the tax paying citizen (read on for more details).

Every time I fly, I feel like I have been raped!! If you have flown lately you know exactly what I am talking about. When you walk into the airport terminal, something magical happens that takes away every liberty and freedom that my forefathers and I have fought for. The lines are extremely long. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind waiting in line if I was actually waiting for something. But, waiting so that the TSA chick can collect the "expensive" lipstick and lotion is not worth my time. I was flying the other day and I was in the line to "declare" liquids such as toothpaste, mouthwash, shampoo, etc. It did not take me long to see that the TSA chick was just collecting what she wanted. As I stood in line to declare my toothpaste, I thought "Why?" So, within 30 seconds I was able to figure out the system and I bypassed it. Think about it, toothpaste does not set off the metal detector. Once again, millions of your tax dollars wasted!!!

Did you know TSA cost the American tax payers over $300 million dollars in the first few months in action? TSA continues to spend and waste your tax dollars everyday. TSA has spent almost a billion dollars.

Now, I probably wouldn't mind so much of the cost if I was getting what I was paying for. But, did you know that TSA has failed nearly EVERY test given to them. That's right!!! People have boarded the planes with bombs and guns to test TSA on more than one occasion and TSA didn't have a clue. Now I ask you, wouldn't you love to have a job that you can fail every single day and not only do you NOT loose your job, you get a pay raise? Now, that's the life!!

I was flying with my family to Disney World a couple of years ago, when we were ripped out of the line to be hand-padded and searched. We had to open up and dump all of our carry-ons, pockets, diaper bags, etc. Then, they started to pat us down (keep in mind we had a 10 month old baby boy and two year old baby girl in our arms). I showed the TSA guy my Military ID and said, "I am an officer in the United States Military." He said, "That doesn't matter, I searched a Senator last week." I then asked, "That makes you proud??" Then, I looked over and saw three Arab men (without luggage) walk right by me. I asked, "Why am I, a US Soldier that protects you and gives you the right to be stupid, being searched, when there are three Arabs that get to just walk on the plane?" He said, "Sir, we don't know what the terrorist look like, so we just check people at random." I said, "Sir, there goes three right now!" "Of course most Muslims are not violent jihadis, but all violent jihadis are Muslim" a quote from Israeli's security.

I get very aggravated when I fly now. The TSA is not protecting us. They are only harassing us. I was told by TSA (I had a little chat after being searched) that if they checked all the Arab looking people, they would be sued for racial profiling. By all means, lets be politically correct, spend and WASTE millions (if not billions) of hard working tax dollars on incompetent, ineffective security just so we don't offend the terrorist. Makes sense to me. So, I guess I just need to get used to being raped when I fly!!

Hey, the good news is the government has not taking away my rights and freedoms!!!

By the way, if you want to know how to secure an airport - wouldn't you start at the very airport that every Islamic terrorist wants to blow up, but can't? And that airport would be El Al, Israel's national carrier.
posted by Capt. C @ 6:21 PM  
  • At 9:17 AM, Blogger EXSENO said…

    I can believe every bit of it. Good post.

  • At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just hope that the airport business are making more money with the longer delays, etc. You are right though. We have a reactive goverment, not a proactive one. This shows that their abilities are limited to what equates to animal instinct, not logical and deductive reasoning.

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Name: Capt. C
Home: El Paso, Texas, United States
About Me: I am happily married to the most wonderful lady in the world (Jenny). I have 3 children (Ariel, Benji and Nathaniel)that are just precious. I graduated from the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. I am currently active duty in the US Army - at least for another 26 months. I live in El Paso, TX (can't wait to get out of here).
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