Captain C's Medical Journal
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Why Give Thanks?

Thanksgiving is a time of year that you hear people say "Give Thanks," but why? Why should I give Thanks? Do I really have ANYTHING to be Thankful for?

Well, I believe that I do. So, I am going to tell you of just a few things that I am thankful for.

1) I am Thankful for God... a God that allowed his Son to die on a cross for me. In a world that is full of war and death, I have been given inner peace.

2) I am Thankful for Jenny (my beloved wife)...a wife that I do not deserve, a wife that is my best friend. How lucky can a guy be?

3) I am Thankful for my children (Ariel and Benji)...I have seen so many children that are sick and dying. I am Thankful for the colds and coughs that my children get (and pass on to me).

4) I am Thankful for America...I have been to four Continents and I have found one truth among them all - I don't want to live there. Apparently, a lot of the people don't want to be there either, because they are trying to get to America. Have you ever noticed that nobody leaves America to live in another country, but everybody tries to come here? Why, if America is bad?

5) I am Thankful for Soldiers...Soldiers that fight for the freedom and the liberties that we all enjoy. Freedoms that allow people to burn the very flag for which it stands. Soldiers that give people the right to protest against them. I have never seen a protest sign that read "I love the troops, but I hate the war." Remember, it is not the politicians that give you freedom, it is the Soldier!

6) I am Thankful for being rich... We as Americans tend to be spoiled rotten. If you have shoes on your feet (or at least own a pair) you are richer than 85% of the World's population (300 million in America, 6 billion in the world). If you have spare change lying around, you are now richer than 90% of the World's population. If you have $100 dollars in your checking/savings account, you are richer than 95% of the World's population. If you have $1000 dollars in your checking/savings account you are richer than 99% of the World's population. .

7) I am Thankful for being home...If you are going to be home or see friends and relatives this Thanksgiving, I encourage you to stop and say a prayer for the thousands of Soldiers that will not be home. Pray that they will come home safe. I believe that they deserve a prayer sent their way, don't you? There have only been two people that have died for was Jesus Christ and the other is The American Soldier!
posted by Capt. C @ 12:44 PM   0 comments
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I Want To Play - Again

Do you remember when you were little and you would get on your bike, leave home and not come back until sunset? What happened to those days? What happened to kids playing in the neighborhood without fear? Will we ever be able to play like there is not a care in the world again?

Something horrible happened between the time that I was a kid and now that I am a parent. Something has taken away the freedom of playing, the joy of imagination. What has changed? Children are still children, neighborhoods are still neighborhoods. What has caused this dramatic change in our once known culture?

The stripping away of this freedom came at a price of being politically correct. When I was a child, if any person sexually assaulted or kidnapped a child then that person would never see the light of day. Now those very people live in our neighborhoods. They watch our children playing at school. They surf the internet pretending to be their buddy. These horrible beasts have more rights than you or I. Why have we allowed this political correctness take away our freedom, our rights?

Unfortunately, we have pedophiles sitting in government seats passing the very laws that protect these beasts. Now for the more appalling news, there are more. Because our government is so corrupt this information only comes out for elections. Why do we tolerate such abuse?

If you believe that the majority of government actually cares about the general public, then I have some green gold that I want to sell you (in the shape of grass). What person would not enforce life in prison or the death sentence for these guys? Well, look and see how your congressman and senator voted and you will see.

We need a change! We need to get men and women in office that care about the general public and our children. We do NOT need politically correct leaders. We need people that are not scared to call a "dog" a "dog". We need to get involved and do what is right. We must give back the joy of imagination to our children. After all, I want to play again.
posted by Capt. C @ 4:27 PM   1 comments
About Me

Name: Capt. C
Home: El Paso, Texas, United States
About Me: I am happily married to the most wonderful lady in the world (Jenny). I have 3 children (Ariel, Benji and Nathaniel)that are just precious. I graduated from the US Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing. I am currently active duty in the US Army - at least for another 26 months. I live in El Paso, TX (can't wait to get out of here).
See my complete profile
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